EPR Battery

Central pollution Control Board

(Ministry of Environment, Forest
and Climate Change)

EPR Portal for Battery Waste Management
(Portal for Grant of Registration to Producer and Recycler/Refurbisher of Battery under Battery Waste Management Rules, 2022)
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Need Assistance? Call our EPR Helpline at 011-43102350 or email us at batteries.cpcb@gov.in.

We're here to help you with any queries regarding compliance, registration, and reporting.

Timings: 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM, Monday to Friday.

This is to inform that CPCB is conducting meeting through Video Conferencing to address the issues related to registration of Producers and Recyclers and related to EPR credits/certificate generation and transfer. All the stakeholders such as recyclers, producers and their Associations may join said meeting through VC to discuss the EPR related issues for battery waste management. The timings for said VC will be 4PM to 5PM during Monday to Saturday.Following link to be used to join the VC: Click Here for Join Meeting
All Producers are required to generate their EPR targets and submit Annual Returns before 31.03.2025. The guidance manual for generation of EPR target and Annual return submission is provided under Guidance Manuals section of the Homepage.
The deadline for filing Annual Returns by the Producer for FY 2023-24 has been extended till 31.03.2025.
Quarterly Return Filing module for recyclers is live. Recyclers can now submit their quarterly returns on the portal.
Refurbisher registration module is live. Refurbishers can now register on the CPCB Battery EPR portal.
Extended Producer Responsibility Portal under BWM Rules, 2022

Battery Waste Management (BWM) Rules, 2022 have been notified by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change on 22 Aug., 2022. These rules are applicable to all types of batteries regardless of chemistry, shape, volume, weight, material composition and use. As per these Rules, Producer (manufacturers, importers) shall have the obligation of Extended Producer Responsibility for the battery they introduce in the market and the Producer shall meet the collection and recycling targets as given in Schedule II of the rules to ensure the attainment of EPR obligations.

According to the Rules, Producers, Recyclers, and Refurbishers of Battery shall have to register through the online centralized portal developed by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). Recyclers and Refurbishers shall also have to register with the concerned SPCB/PCC on this centralized portal developed by CPCB. The portal will help in improving accountability, traceability and transparency of fulfilment of EPR Obligations. This portal would act as the single point data repository with respect to orders and guidelines related to implementation of BWM Rules, 2022.

About CPCB

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), statutory organisation, was constituted in September, 1974 under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. Further, CPCB was entrusted with the powers and functions under the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.

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